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Delta Zeichen Bedeutung

The Delta Symbol: A Comprehensive Guide

The Delta Symbol: Origin and Representation

The delta symbol, represented by both the lowercase δ and uppercase Δ, has a rich history dating back to ancient Greek. The lowercase delta, δ, is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet and is often used to represent change or difference in mathematics and science. The uppercase Delta, Δ, is often used as a symbol for change in mathematics and economics.

The Delta Symbol in Mathematics

In mathematics, the delta symbol is commonly used to represent a small change or difference. For instance, in calculus, the delta symbol is used to represent the change in a function with respect to its input. The symbol Δx represents a small increment in the input variable x, while Δy represents the corresponding change in the output variable y.

The Delta Symbol in Economics

In economics, the uppercase Delta symbol (Δ) is often used to represent the change in a variable due to a change in another variable. For example, ΔQ might represent the change in quantity demanded of a product following a change in its price.

The Delta Symbol in Science

In science, the lowercase delta symbol (δ) is frequently used to represent a small change or perturbation. For instance, in physics, the delta function δ(x) is used to represent a Dirac delta function, which is a generalized function that is zero everywhere except at the origin.


The delta symbol (δ and Δ) is a versatile symbol that is used in various fields, including mathematics, economics, and science. Its ability to represent change and difference makes it a valuable tool for understanding and analyzing a wide range of phenomena.
